Friday, February 11, 2005

Miss Stickybun

sean has nicknamed me miss stickybun. this kid is like, half retarded. literally. and we're not really mean to him, but we have our moments. lol. yesterday we got him to put on lipstick. lipgloss. same thing. either way his lips were shiny and pink. LMAO. how the hell do you name me Miss Stickybun?
party tonight. i know im sick and shit....but jesus. lol. i woke up this morning with vicks all over my chest and my head was pounding. it took all my energy just to get down from my bed and go to the bathroom. i was exhuasted after that and it took me a while to get the energy to get ibuprofen and a glass of water. and for periods of time....ill have a stuffy nose, and then i wont. and unless im happy and cheery and focusing on something else, i feel sick. like right now. the party's gonna be fun anyways. im so happy i finally get to hang out with claire again, and poor alyssa, but she'll still have fun. im taking pictures! YAYNESS. wouldnt buy mtdew. im gonna try to get phil to bring a 12pack and ill give his mom some money. he said only non-caffeinated pop. damnyou. but i got drpepper and creamsoda and they both have lots of caffine. YAY. and, for those of you who get the inside joke, i got pretzels. i think only phil will be the one there to get that joke. damnit. i cant wait. cheeeeese pizza. yummmmers. but from where tho? idk.
ashley laughed at me....why? bcuz a picture of me cooking bacon is in my bfs lol. that wasnt the only reason.
valentine's day is coming up soon. YAYx10000000 lol. im giving phil one of his presents tonight. it's something small. but, idk, maybe he'll like it.
idk what else to say so im gonna go watch some FOAMY. and maybe some weebl. loves. x10


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