went to toris during the day monday, for the visitation so mike and i werent stuck here. hung out with jordyn. eventually walked to cam's. he wasnt home. then we rested and ended up riding our bikes to cams, not home, so we stopped by west's house. fun? lol. hung out with him. rode the bikes around and ended up with ian. went to the park till 10. went back. ***edit for later*** went to bed at 5. woke up at 11. FINALLY MET MR CAM H!!! XD and it was quite fun. hes a total sweetheart. he was blushing too, when his mom talked about his doll from when he was a baby. i left. took a nap. mom picked me up. i came back here. and then victoria showed up. we had dinner at kb's parent's house. came back and i dont remember the rest of that day. today we cleaned and my luggage arrived. and we went to sams and walmart. saw uncle gary at sams. it was fun. now rylee's here. and she wants on the comp which means i get bitched at for being on it. WTF? and ians finally online.
i got tickets to RIVER RIOT 05! and phils suposed to go. my nana is picking me up and driving us back. im sooo excited. but the sad thing is, in order to see the show, i have to fucking stay the night at my nanas on friday and see my uncle jason. >:|
well, heres some pics. cam's in green. ians in blue. west is in grey. jord is blonde and toria's a red head.

i got tickets to RIVER RIOT 05! and phils suposed to go. my nana is picking me up and driving us back. im sooo excited. but the sad thing is, in order to see the show, i have to fucking stay the night at my nanas on friday and see my uncle jason. >:|
well, heres some pics. cam's in green. ians in blue. west is in grey. jord is blonde and toria's a red head.

pics to big!, the sidebar is way down below! cams a hottie ;) hehe
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