Sunday, September 19, 2004

Mitch's Party and then A Night Out

dude! ok. i have so much to tell you. ok? so please hang in there with me. cuz it's a long but fucking entertaining story.
trevor and i kinda had a tussle friday night as you could tell. so the next day i went to michelle's house to tlak about it, and yes, i did cry to her. but she made me happy again and made me laugh. we were waiting for her bf and mine along with mike. well rd arrived, and we kinda talked and shit. then finally, trevor and mike showed up, along with sir ian. lol. they wanted to watch thirteen ghosts. so we did. which, might i add, is fucking kick ass! then we jumped outside. joked around. acted stupid. then michelle went inside to eat and we were gonna leave but we didnt and we hung out more. then we went out back and talked. mike has an oral fixation and ian proved it when mike took a pop tab out of his mouth. and then, when trevor left, i did the same kinda thing as before and we kissed. but, umm, well, it was a little bit more than kissing. lol. apparently he was gonna wait till the party, i dont see why since the most we did was hold hands till i kissed him goodbye. and i came back to michelles and hung out with michelle, sir ian and mike. it was fun. as i left, ian and michelle were dancing to Lean Back. it was fucking hilarious.
took a shower and cleaned the dog pee spots outta my floor and left to mitch's party. i arrived. it was kinda boring. mike got hit in the face with mitch's elbow and now the side of his lip is fucked up and black and shit. i 'kinda' met butters aka chad bailey. we didnt get introduced but, heard him and talked to him later. trevor arrived at 10 past seven. i went out front and watched mike, zach, ian and trevor skateboard. it was awesome. tlaked to the taylor kid. i think thats his name. he agreed with me that the party wasnt the greatest. ian acted kinda lonely parts of the night. trevor had some cheeseburgers and we went downstairs and played hackysack wtih mike. went up later to tp someone's house. we kinda did, but i guess the girls got us caught. btw, i was the only punk chick there, the rest were stuck up sluts except like one girl and i dont remember her name. but yeah, we jacked tp from ian's house. and, ummmm, yeah. trevor got a birthday beatdown. i helped. XD he didnt think i would ever punch him. then, nothing was happening and all they were playing was rap so i went on the side of the house and talked to taylor. him and i were both kinda loners. trevor finally came and talked to me. in truth, i had fun, even tho i missed out on the moshpitand mitch's birthday beatdown. dad came at 9:30 to pick me up. WTF?!?! i was so pissed. i told him to shove it and walked in the back to get my purse and to say bye to mitch, taylor, squeek and trevor. went home, got oline and tlaked to ashley.
10:20 i went up to my room and changed and grabbed my hoodie and whatever other random shit i might need. called mitch's but trevor had already left so i thought id try and see him. i mean, he had asked me to sneak out with him. got to mitch's and hung out with i think some chelsea girl or something, ian, mike, mitch, butters and zach. later, about 30 min later, mike, zach and i left to mike's house and zach stopped by trevor's house to pick him up. lol. we went over to mike's and hung out there for a few hours. it was fun. zach made stupid faces, we watched southpark a little. laughed, joked, almost got caught by mike's mom. it was fucking funny. zach and mike were beating up trevor's arms still, which were all fucked but the bruises still havent developed. later, just past midnight we snuck out, walked around. we all snuck out except mike. walked around the highlands, over to fletcher and 12th. and like, walked back, stopped by mitchs but he was sleeping. walked to the park from mike's area of the highlands, *this was before mitch's acctually* and saw mouse. she was drunk as fuck and wouldnt fucking shut up. lol. i think she annoyed the guys. *oops* and then we walked to martyrs and got pop, and walked along 13th. we blew up this firework thing and it hit someone's back door and porch. the thing that hit it was suposed to explode. lol. it was fucking hilarious. went back to mikes. hung out. trevor was hungry so we made a list of the shit we wanted and he rode zach's bike to the gas station and mcdonalds and zach mike and i just hung out. it was fun. mike was yawning and made the freakiest faces and noises. lol. and zach had the most hilarious face during it. we were laughing so hard. and then mike asked about what happens if ur eating a girl out and she queefs. LMAO. zach and i had a fucking field day with that. then he asked what happens if your getting head from a girl and you piss. LMAO. so zach says *this is fucking memorable* Dude, no wonder she queefed in your mouth, you pissed in hers. OMFG! i havent laughed so hard in years. we just realised to lock the door, when, trevor knocks, and i about screamed. about a fucking minute later goes 'dude, its trevor'. lol. i cant even remember how far he rode that damn bike but that boy must have some legs on him. we had mtn dew, sobe adrenaline *which i left at mike's* and a shit load of candy. lol. soon after, we fell asleep. i was right next to trevor. i woke up at 8 with a fuckign neck cramp and with my head on trevor's side. i woke up, and a few mintues later, zach woke up. trevor's head was fucking RIGHT in front of zachs when he looked up and goes HOLY SHIT so fucking loud. lol. we soon found out the time, i got my shoe back from when trevor threw it at mike's nuts *from the floor onto mike who was in the bed in the pitch darkness* and put my shoes on and my hoodie. hid in the closet when mike's mom was downstairs. once she was in the bathroom, i left and walked home. the back door was unlocked, and i jsut walked in, not bothering about the noise, ran into my room, put on pj pants and told dad i let the dog in. lmao. im so fucking smooth. *im jsut good like that*lmao. im so awesome. lol. ive never felt happier. three hours with my posse, a party with some of the posse and then hanging out with three of the coolest guys ive ever known.
so yes, i now feel at peace. im accepted, im happy, im glorious. lol. glorious. lmao. but everything is so wonderful. so many friends now. and my bf is now my age. he turned 15 today. i have to go all out for squeek's locker. lol. i figured out his gift but idk if i can get it in time. its gonna be really hard to live this out. lol. im talking to nana about warped tour next year. we'd take the posse. michelle, trevor, ian, zach, mike and maybe mitch. mitch isnt into most of those bands so idk. but it'd be so fucking awesome. nana prolly wouldnt have much to do as we hung out at the warped tour, but it'd still be fucking cool. hopefully i can lose a little weight before then, but it would be awesome. and then worlds of fun the next day. lol. man, what fun. last night, i showed zach and trevor up and gave myself another smiley. its all puffy now and i want to pop it. lol. but hey, i g2g and help dad clean the house cuz hes a jackass and idk if hell even take me to see sky captain. so ill ttyl. loves


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