Monday, November 08, 2004

Naked Dance for Jesus

im listening to superman by eminem. phil and i talked for about 1 3/4 of an hour. it was pretty wicked. trev and mike are still harassing me. its BULLSHIT that trevor wont do anything to my face except salute me. lmao. wtf? w/e. idc. casey calls me aaron's gf. lmao. NIIIICE. i really like phil. and the way his voice raises in pitch when he tells a funny story. and the way he does a naked dance and his mom put a picture of jesus by the toilet that scares him. his sensitive skin. lmao. he's so cute. he reminds me of pippin. so much. its uncanny. and he used to be into rap. lol. he's so cute. i did his initials a couple times in my arm. he was hurt. and i fel bad. but i was so fucking angry. i threw my fone and shit. it was bad. im ok tho. im happy again. XD. i found isaiah's sn on buddypic. alyssa's gonna be jealous. lol. im gonna print my pics of phil tonight. and show them off. bcuz all my galpals think he's adorable. ive never been more comfortable with a guy. but i really dont wanna fall for him like i did jared. i want to, but i dont want to be hurt again. i miss callen. hopefully ill see him soon. omg phil needs to get outta my head. im tlaking to chris from poar now. i saw branden today. he still smiles at me. he was great. except he hunts. :( . oh well. well, im off to bed. ttyl.
I SAW THE STAR WARS EPISODE III TRAILER.revenge of the sith. omg omg omg omg. hotness


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