derek's coming into town today. WOOPA! lol. ive got two hours till dad gets home and i have to get my room clean and a chore or two done so i can see him. how nice? dad and i got into a huge fight last night and i was like, crying, badly. idk. he was asking em how i plan to get thru my life later on and i said 'I DONT THINK THERE WILL BE A LATER ON. NO PATH PAST HIGHSCHOOL. I WONT LAST THAT LONG' and he didnt fucking get it. i was meaning suicide. bcuz its winter and brittni's winter depression fucking kicked in. so life is total bullshit one day and sugar the next. pos dad. but i layed on my bed and cried and said i hated school and everyone in it and the fact that i have maybe ONE girlfriend, alyssa, but shes always got other stuff to do. grrrrr at life. lol. but i told him my best friend is a gay boy in mccook. and like, 5 minutes later i go, derek's in town tomorrow from mccook and i wanna see him. if i clean my room and do a chore can i? and he goes 'is he the gay one' i didnt mean to tell him outloud but DUH SHERLOCK. jesus. hes thick. or dense as ellen would say. lol. fell asleep at 11 and woke up at 10. life is good. so good. 9 hours of sleep. HOORAH. i think brett called last night at 11:40 and if it was him, im gonna be pissed. ok it wasnt. some dumb old hag. damnit. i miss phil and i wish he could go to the mall with derek and i. it totally sucks. alot. kris is coming into town. i dont think anyone's ever hear of him. bailey cheated on preston with him when she went to bellevue to visit matt runiuns. he's really cool. he's like 18. so tomorrow him and i might see each other. atleast i have PEOPLE to ahng out with, i just wish it was girls, ya know? like, doing girl things. but derek is like, kinda like that what with being gay, but its all good. im happy i have stuff to do. but i g2g and drink some milk, and mountain dew, piss and then clean. loves!

WOW! What a suprise! You're an "Elite
Queer." Everyone knows you, you're
beautiful, always in style, mommy and daddy buy
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WOW! What a suprise! You're an "Elite
Queer." Everyone knows you, you're
beautiful, always in style, mommy and daddy buy
you everything, And the most popular in the gay
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