Wednesday, January 12, 2005

i <3 photo class and nick's rats collage

this class is god. im gonna miss it mad-like. i tried to access livejournal to update but they so blocked it. gay ass lps. i brought my camera to class, right. my DIGI-CAMI! lol. i got some pictures. i got one of jeremy's eye. i was hoping to get one of me, but, i didnt. oh well. i want one of mandi and i, sabrina and i and nikki and i. or all of us but the stupid batteries went dead. ill wait a while. ive still got 30 minutes pretty much. its all good. michelle s is making a blog next to me. itunes is playing my killers cd! YAY FOR HOT FUSS! nikkie is so pretty. i wish i looked like nikki. sigh. oh well. phil was really sad last night. omg. uber-sadness attack! AHHHHH! i thought he was breaking up with me. i was crying. i was so fucked up yesterday. the caffine wore me out up until 7. then i got uber-tired and was kinda like, stoned almost. oh well. it was funny. silly phil called my house after his shower too. im kinda bummed that this is my last day of photography. maybe the councilors will give me photo2 next semester, since they havent even fucked with my schedule yet. thats all cool tho. ts dirt off of my shoulder. i cant wait till dad's off his high horse and i can see phil. you know, maybe i dont want to be a big part of the emo crowd. its just not me. i mean, UGH. i cant stand the things they say. jeremy checked his my-space thing just now on this comp, and his buddies say the stupidest shit ever. i mean, I WENT ON A KILLING SPREE. derrrrrr. fuckers. i wish they'd atleast talk to me, ya know, but i dont want to be emo. i dont like it. its kinda cool that lainey's using a pic of me, mandi and jeremy in the yearbook tho. maybe ill take yeabook instead of photo2 this year. it'd be uber-cool. idk. ive been feeling so fucking off lately. its weird. ryan's being really nice tho. i g2g and see if my pictures dont work. man, i heart computers and the fact that they love me! YAY!


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