Saturday, January 08, 2005

Ludo and Ursher

i feel bad about the whole ludo fight. lol. tim gave up his and lauren's song Hum Along by ludo bcuz phil told me to listen to itt before tim started getting close to lauren. i feel bad bcuz i always considered ursher's Got it Bad our song. so, i feel bad. lol. poor timmuty.
going to kearney tomorrow. around 1:30 till 6. prolly eating dinner there too. IM PRAYING THAT DEREK'S MOM WILL LOVE HIM AND ME ENOUGH TO LET HIM COME. lol. if i had money, id pay gas. lol. i really wanna see him. OMG WHAT WILL I WEAR? lol. damn you.
. MMMM BADGER LOOPS. watch Badger, and Footy. lmao. its funny. weebl and his friend bob is cool too.
mom sent me the pics from new years and the time we were there. ill put them up on flickr. and post the link later on tonight. i look cute in most of them. and im only posting good and/or funny ones. id post them on my blog but i have to download Hello onto my new comp and i have a limited account. grr on dad. then again, i have his password. but uh, derek, i need ur help. i want a new log in page. idk what yet, but when i find it, ill need help.
i also need to change the tagboard. im sick of dumbasses posting as me and binx. so, if you want to post on my tagboard, and u have my msn account or my aim account, let me know, and ill tell you the new secret to use for posting until i figure something out. grrrrrrr.
i saw phil last night! YAY! GO BRITTNI. he was so cute! his hair, is like, still cali-surfer-pothead-70's style and its so 'gasmic. i <333 him. so much. he was so adorable. he was bouncing off the walls! lol. it was fun tho. ive got a mix between a bruise and a hickey on my collar. lol. it hurts to touch. ow. teehee. we had fun. i wont tell you what happened otherwise this post would be rated R.......or maybe NC17! lol. go brittni. i <3 boys. i <333 phil soooooo much. im so happy.
you know whos cool? chloe buzz. idk y. she reminds me of me. but cooler and with girlfriends. ya know? her and i dont really talk, at all. but i read her elljay. and she's so well.....trill. lol. nobody else that i know is trill like her. i feel bad that she cant find someone to love her. she's so awesome. it happens to the best of us. i wish her and i could hang out sometime! lol.
i get my poar cd and shirt on monday. woot x 10. go branden, way to stick up for yourself against amanda and then lie to me about how you feel about women. that was really jackass- of you. fucker. im still buying a cd tho.
im going to reply to my soldier tomorrow and write a letter to thomas. think he'll reply? i hope so.
ive got my pedal now. and my bass amp. how cool am i? now my floor can shake bcuz of me without the need to jump. cuz im fat. and i sound really cool. go me.
im pretty sure im not going to the uk. which sucks giant wrinkled camel nuts. but, dad really is now considering letting me attend duke since this is my last chance. i hope he does. it would be an amazing experience and phil would be so jealous. oh well. i g2g do my homework so i can see phil agian tonight. wish me luck. loves and kisses. always.


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