Monday, February 28, 2005


IM A DORKFISH. thats my new nickname. and mike is tatersalad. lmao.
phil - thank you. i had so much fun yesterday. SOOOO MUCH FUN. even though it almost got ruined by boredom and lack of caffine. i love you. i had fun. the sleep, the comedy, the food, the candy *which im still wearing*, the 2nd place victory, and most of all, seeing you smile. i love you. i hope ur mom dies.
derek - grr at you and ashlee.
trevor - HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF NORMAL? hmm? bcuz the last time i checked, asking someone for help/to listen, then calling them a slut and talking shit to them, and now expecting them to be nice when you 'cut them some slack' IS NOT NORMAL. fuck you and your expectations. idgra if you cut yourself or not. besides, no matter how much i WANT to cut myself, i cant. bcuz of a promise. so fuck off and die. i dont like you. and as much as i wanted to be ur friend, ive realised life is better off without you.
god - help me
martin - i dont hate you. im just angry and disappointed with you.
i feel like shit. my head hurts and my body is going through WAY too many temperature changes. and since yesterday, ive been needing caffine. and then more. and then more. and more. damnit. stupid addictions. lmao. go me. but seriously. phil, after those two mtdews, the red bull, and the caffinated mr pibb, i fell asleep around 11 on my floor. MY FLOOR. lmao. thats my new bed. lol. and i woke up, and since then, its been grumpiness, headaches and craving. sigh. to be alone. lol. idk. im super tired. thats the sad thing. im currently drinking a mtdew and have been since 9. IM STILL YAWNING. somebody here is gonna need to invest in a shitload of redbull. maybe i should just crush up a vivarin and inject it. lmao. im so fucking stupid. well, friday - did nothing, and cried about it. saturday - cleaned and showered, saw Constantine with phil. I <33333 that movie! its a fave. then phil called, and life went downhill for a while. but my rosyglasses are slighty perched upon my nose, almost falling off. sunday - lordy was it good. it was only bad around 4 and 5. when i wanted to go the mall and get a hoody and NEEDED caffine *mom told me that, she was like, go drink another mtdew and then maybe another, youll be fine* i said ok. lol. but, after phil got me to listen to DORKFISH i was better. ive had Hum Along stuck in my head allday. and still crave chinese. and crave jalapeno poppers from arbys. yummers. phil saw me eat a pickle. bleck. and we even hung out with nick glass, kyle tetherow, mike, and cody bius. i figured out who the blonde hockey kid is at my school. Poland. lmao. cant wait to tell dad. oh, and i got a 75 out of 75 on my Color Purple quiz. yay.
this week so far: monday - shopping. buspass, SOME food, french project shit. maybe a hoodie?
tuesday - hockey
wednesday - hockey *near phils*
thursday - 7:30 cresent moon to see mr barnacle perform
friday - PARTY. claire, dylan, taylor, alyssa, michelle, phil, tim, lauren
saturday - Ludo and AnchandO show. yippee skippee.


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