Sunday, February 13, 2005


i have a shitlaod to type, so hang with me ok?. but first, i found this on a xanga thru dylan's xanga. idk the person....but its adorable. the italic words are the ones i like. and the ones with Xs after them are ones i dont like.

Tell her why you think shes so cool. x
Smell her hair. x
Talk to her in movie theatres.
Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river;
she`ll scream and fight you but secretly, she`ll love it.

Hold her hand
and skip.
Hold her hand and run.
Just hold her hand.
Pick flowers
from other peoples
gardens and give
them to her.

Tell her she's pretty. x
Let her pay if she wants to.
Introduce her to your friends
as The coolest girl you know. x
Sit in the park and talk to her.
Take her to the library
Tell her dirty jokes.
Tell her happy stories.
Tell her sad stories.
Tell her your stories.


Tell her stupid jokes.
Write poems about her.
Just walk with her.

Throw pebbles at her window.
When she starts swearing at you,
... tell her you love her.

Take her to shows of
bands shes never
heard of.
Hold her hand in the mosh pit. x
Let her fall asleep in your arms.Call her.
Call her back if she calls you.
Sing to her,
no matter how
bad you are.
Carve your names into a tree.
Get her mad, then kiss her.
Give her piggy-back rides.

Go see her band play even
if they really suck,
and tell her they were great.
Give her space if she needs it. x
Push her on swings.
Stay up with her all night when shes sick.x
Make up pet names for her,
but cool ones, not sappy ones.
Teach her guitar. x
Lend her your cds.
Write on her.
Make her mixtapes.
Write her letters.

Take her to cool shops,
and let her take you to even cooler ones.
Just hang out
with her.
Listen to all the
bands she mentions.
Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck.
When shes sad,
hang out with her
stay on the
phone with her,
even if shes not saying anything.
Buy her ice cream.
Let her take all the photos of you she wants.
Look into her eyes.

Slow dance with her,
even if the music is fast. x
Tell her a secret.
Kiss her in the rain...
Trust her.
Love her.
Be yourself around her.

. . . and
when you fall in love with her tell her
isnt that sooooo cute? man. ok. so today ruled. this whole weekend did. her's my story:
sunday/today: woke up at 11 and ate. got ready, and as i was about to leave, phil called. we hardly talked. left with dad and mike. we went to gordmans. i got a dickie's shirt to match my hat from saturday. and some light blue angels. god, they fit perfectly. and some flipflops. omg they're so comfy. went to target and got some new pots and pans. lol. i wanted the bright eyes cd Digital Ashes in a Digital Urn but dad said no. went to arbys and had some jalapeno poppers....the only way ill eat jalapenos.....JALAPENOS ADN BEER SHOULD NOT BE MIXED! gah. and now im blogging. talking to trevor and KB and dalton.
saturday: i stayed home most of saturday. chillin and cleaning. almost went all day in my pjs. nick decided he was coming over. so, as nick was on his way, and i was getting ready, uncle tony called. well, i was having nick take me to surprise phil and dalton, and they live by the mall. well, tony wanted to eat at Granite City. so i went and surpsied phil. i think he liked it. and then we went around the block to daltons. dalton gave me a green trucker hat! thats why i got a black and green dickies shirt. dalton had to leave to the pius game, so nick dropped phil and i off at granite city and phil sat with tony, dad, bfg and i while we ate. we all talked. i think phil likes tony. and i can tell tony respects phil. maybe even likes him. i really likes that phil goes to pius. dad took phil home, and me home and left to lazlos. phil and i talked about dalton and kinda got into a fight. it was really sad. we ended up making up and it was all ok. but phil was so sad, and, it was bcuz he cares. ive never felt so loved. i <33333333333 you phil. im so sorry and i should have told you earlier. i then had a very disturbing discussion with trevor. i hope hes ok. im really worried. i finally fell asleep on the gift im about to tell you about.
friday: party time. YAYNESS! phil and dalton arrived together. dalton was caryying the pop, the movie *ace ventura 2* and twister. phil was carrying a HUGE GIANT WHITE TEDDYBEAR and chocolates. omg. lol. i almost cried. i was so happy. claire, alyssa and michelle arrived. then connor. we listened to music, watched the movie, michelle left, ate cheeze pizza, finished the movie. played SOME BAD ASS TWISTER. dad even tried recording it. we then played strip poker/gofish/blackjack. apperantly, im horrible at poker/gofish/blackjack and should of had my bra off. phil should of had his pants off. and almost did. i would ahve let him, but i knew alyssa thought he was hot. dalton took his shirts off. lol. claire did well. i ended up hiding behind my bear. we moshed in my living room and had a little snowball fight. phil and dalton left, dalton kissed claire goodbye. i kissed phil tons. connor eventually left, along with claire. alyssa and i got ready for bed, watched the princessbride and madtv. had popcorn and fell asleep. she rocks my face off. we had pink pancakes for breakfast too.
so im uber-happy. mom and i made up. phil likes my family. and even laughs at tony's weird ass jokes. the only thing that could make me happier is if phil won his basketball game. im going off later to get two more parts of phil's gift. one of them is kinda cheap, but, it's perfect. and the other, only cuz i hate when he's sad. he cant make it to the Ludo show next saturday. and i was gonna have a party that day, but phil cant make it. and he wouldnt want me having a party with dylan and taylor if hes not there. i cant wait till tomorrow. i hope phil likes his gift(s). lol. there's tons. i also need to get mike and angel's gifts. and derek's. and trevors. i hope he doesnt get mad about it. he needs a valentine. well. im gonna be off. loves to you all. i <3 you all. im so happy.
-Pretty Girl


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