Thursday, March 03, 2005


i can play an acdc song. rock n roll aint noise pollution. im attempting thunderstruck but im really slow. dad embarassed me when i was playing it. phil was on speakerphone and i was playing it for him and dad, and dad had to go and be an ass. im so horrible at guitar. so terribly horrible.
im taking an Arts and Communication academy next year. my whole schedule will be based around communication classes. but when i filled out my pre-said schedule for next year i asked for latin. they tried to give me Human Behavior and Economic Perspective. wtf? I WANT LATIN GOD DAMNIT. my hoodie smells like burnt antibiotics.
im happier. andy, mike, david and brendan are kind of accepting me. thye used to shun me alot. i really like them. they rock my face off. i <3 them. i want to hang out with them, but i cant play video games. i say laser quest sometime. andy thinks stina is mad at him but he wont say why.
i <3333 breaking benjamin. i have their old cd but never listened to it.
|D|O|R|K|F|I|S|H| my anti-drug
35 mins till lunch. what to cream, chips and soda. maybe skittles.
lps internet system wont let me access the gwg site. bcuz of PORNOGRAPHY. WTF?!?!?! im gonna shove a white hot curling iron up the virgin ass of the lps school board and then gouge their eyes out with burning-oil covered forks. bitches. i hate lps.
i also hate mcr but their new song is so awesome. grrrr.
when is dr.danger gonna become a sub? WHEN. i want him to sub for one of my classes, idc which. prolly english. or maybe creative writing, but he wouldnt talk to me, hed talk to lainey-cakes. maybe oral comm. him, kelli and i could talk. i met him when i was with kelli. that would rock! I WANT DR.DANGER AS A SUB. sad thing is, id call him that too. Mr. Tarlowski seems surreal. lol.
i had a dream last night. half of the kids in my french class were at my house. we were eating piroutte cookies and drinking wine and chambord martinis. half the time, we spoke in french and i knew what they were saying. i recieved a package, full of easter candy and my dessert lipgloss set. from mom. i put on the bubblegum flavor. it tastes good and i told someone Donnez-moi un baise. lol. oops. i dont know who he was tho. blonde shaggy hair. tall like tyler but his voice wasnt as scratchy. it was a smooth voice. BRIGHT green eyes. i think i know who, but he takes spanish.
im gonna attmept to put a Ludo support banner on my site. derek, if it looks funny. fix it PLEASE. thanks in advance.
i love you phil. more then anything. ever. i also love mike, derek, and martin. NO MORE ALCOHOL. OR WEED. damnit.


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