We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
ill type all about fri and sat tonight after phils game and such.
back from phils. he won 11-3. YAY FOR PHIL!
friday: we had to have callen take us to nicks which took us an hour to find. phil couldnt make it but we ended up talking to emmy. and eventually had some beer, a whiskey shot and smoked some weed. it was good times. nick was funny. talk about punk rock parents. lol. we fell asleep on nick's basement floor at 4am and got up at 8. then, walked to the gas statio and spent an hour and 20 mins waiting for monica to come get us, we took calire home, and eventaully ended up at phil and billy's game. heres the pics: or some:

^phil sliding in
baseball game was fun with monica. she made it a little more enjoyable. and afterwards we went to phils and hung out in his driveway. i did my E.T. impression and phil gave me a rose. (im drying it out on my tv)
and we left just before his parents got home and monica and i went to a crafts store to look at scarpbooking stuff. and went back to phils once his parents were gone. phil and i fucked on his bed and then i joined him in his shower. lol. it was.........good lord. lol. UBER CENSOR lol but it was fun. we eventually left after i had a small crying spell. monica and i came home but on the way ran into reece charlebois and brian crawford. stopped my matt s's house and stopped at walgreen. 99 CENTS FOR A GOD DAMN 6OZ DARK CHOCOLATE BAR. FUCKING SWEET! it was god. monica stayed the night. and claire came over for a while. and on monica and my way home we saw ian who was drunk and he sang me an emo song. lol. then we went home and took a shit load of funny ass's a taste: 

(p.s. when we left phils....monica hit his mailbox and the screws were out so the mailBOX itself came off. lol.)

word. bed at 2 up at 11. cleaned. a shit load. got ready adn went to phils baseball game. billy pitched and it was good. 11-2. woot. and i went to phils and fell asleep on his bed while he showered *his dad was home* and then he woke me and i fell asleep again a dreamed there was a demon in his sockdrawer. lol. phil bit my lip and its still sore. lol. it was good times.
billy liked my shirt i made that says :
its really cute acctually. im glad he liked it. he looked cute today, he had the Angry Pitcher face going on. it was awesome. the rain and clouds fucking ruined my fun at the baseball game. so i called claire to keep myself awake. my next seven days? tom: family party, phil arrives at three when he gets back from seeing his gpa. tues: finals, then dylans game and maybe star wars *with billy who plans to invite phil and taylor? hopefully not* wed:finals, chinese, dylans house, phils game thurs:idk fri:phils game, maybe a party afterwards? sat:idk yet party today instead of fri sun:idk that either. im excited tho. billy looks so cute as a pitcher.
i love you lueby. and your baseball pants.
<3 Brittni
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
ill type all about fri and sat tonight after phils game and such.
back from phils. he won 11-3. YAY FOR PHIL!
friday: we had to have callen take us to nicks which took us an hour to find. phil couldnt make it but we ended up talking to emmy. and eventually had some beer, a whiskey shot and smoked some weed. it was good times. nick was funny. talk about punk rock parents. lol. we fell asleep on nick's basement floor at 4am and got up at 8. then, walked to the gas statio and spent an hour and 20 mins waiting for monica to come get us, we took calire home, and eventaully ended up at phil and billy's game. heres the pics: or some:

^phil sliding in
baseball game was fun with monica. she made it a little more enjoyable. and afterwards we went to phils and hung out in his driveway. i did my E.T. impression and phil gave me a rose. (im drying it out on my tv)

(p.s. when we left phils....monica hit his mailbox and the screws were out so the mailBOX itself came off. lol.)

word. bed at 2 up at 11. cleaned. a shit load. got ready adn went to phils baseball game. billy pitched and it was good. 11-2. woot. and i went to phils and fell asleep on his bed while he showered *his dad was home* and then he woke me and i fell asleep again a dreamed there was a demon in his sockdrawer. lol. phil bit my lip and its still sore. lol. it was good times.
billy liked my shirt i made that says :
its really cute acctually. im glad he liked it. he looked cute today, he had the Angry Pitcher face going on. it was awesome. the rain and clouds fucking ruined my fun at the baseball game. so i called claire to keep myself awake. my next seven days? tom: family party, phil arrives at three when he gets back from seeing his gpa. tues: finals, then dylans game and maybe star wars *with billy who plans to invite phil and taylor? hopefully not* wed:finals, chinese, dylans house, phils game thurs:idk fri:phils game, maybe a party afterwards? sat:idk yet party today instead of fri sun:idk that either. im excited tho. billy looks so cute as a pitcher.
i love you lueby. and your baseball pants.
<3 Brittni
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