Thursday, June 09, 2005


what i wouldnt give for a krispy kreme donut.
its thundering outside :(
today is phil and my 8 month. yay for us. too bad hes grounded.
my sunburn is healing eeverywhere EXCEPT my chest, where is hurts the most. there's all these teeny tiny blisters on my chest! OW!
i went to phils baseball game last night.......they were 4-5 and i had to leave, i was late home and i left just before the last inning started. i was so mad. the only reason i went was to stay afterwards and hug phil. or atleast blow him a kiss, bcuz every time he went into that damned dugout, i could barely ahve enough time to smile. i think he saw me singing grease songs for monica into a pop bottle, bcuz right after i did it, they ran into the dugout and he looked at me, smiled, and shook his head. so maybe. and there was a time in the game i got so pissed that i stomped my foot on teh metal bleachers and it was reallll loud. lol. but i was so angry that one)they were losing cuz with how phils life is going, he deserves to be WINNING. he needs something really relaly good to come his way, ya know? and two) bcuz my dad really made me come home by TEN!!! on a wednesday night *nobody throws parties then* in the summer just before my junior year of highschool! FUCK YOU. but i think i have a car. lol. but, you know, all i want to do right now, is hold phil. honest to god, just hold him. and let him know i love him. FUCK YUO MARY! she kept looking at me during the game. like i was a slut or something. i hate her. monica said i should walk behind her and push her down the stands. lol. and when i was talkign to her later, i go 'monica, you know what i wanna do?' and she goes *loudly, mind you* 'KILL MARY?' lmao. and i was about to say sex on the field. lol. poor phil. i feel horrible. hes the greatest guy ever.
i was making his 8 month gift last night, and i had been working on it for over 2 hours straight and my comp freezes up! GOD DAMNIT! im so pissed. that took me ages to do. and now i have do it before i get ahold of aaron and have him take me to drop it off. BUT his 9 month gift should be arriving anyday now. and im gonna wear it until i give it to him, but he'll never ever know what it is. im trying to finish up the poem i wrote for it tho. DAMNIT. i perform on our 9 month aniversary. atleast im in midsummer night's dream. maybe ill go buy that, or a sparknotes book on it. atleast ill know who im playing. lol. I ACNT BELIEVE I GET TO DO A BILLY-S PLAY! yay! *billy shakespeare* OMG YES YES YES! lol.
i cant wait to see if phil's 9.month gift fits him. ill prolly give it to him early tho. :D! i hope he fits a size 10!buutttttt, i g2g and eat my nocarb breakfast....or lunch, idk which. but im starving and i ruiend my diet yesterday. but i dont care.
love you phil, forever


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