Tuesday, July 19, 2005


finished Harry Potter
at 1:50 am.
it took me ten minutes to continue past chapter 29.
damn you JK
but still, he has a portrait through which they can talk right?
and he can ask dead people in portraits and stuff for info.
but him?
The White Bumblebee?
thats so harsh.
i cried.

you know, and i was really hoping that harry could learn to trust the person that killed him. i really was hoping.

and the ending
makes me want to leave phil.
but the reason is wayyyy too deep for anyone to understand.
and there was the exact same reason for that feeling
in S.W.3
you just have to listen to Join Me In Death
by H.I.M.
where's my cd?
found it.
sometimes, i wish this was a greecian romance
bcuz this song would acctually make the lovers go thru with it.
ive always known
that you cant be killed once ur already dead.
mmmm, suicide! <3

i feel so alone
and broken hearted
like he's already left me.

im gonna go and try not to think
at all.


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