Tuesday, June 29, 2004


SO, i went to callen's yesterday. it was fun.....didnt last long. but, ummm, like i said......GUITAR PLAYERS HAVE TALENTED FINGERS. there's only one problem....he gets me all hot and bothered so easily and therefore makes me practicly beg for it. its bad. i dont want to make him do something he doesnt want to do......no. i dont. at all. this is all his choice. if he does, great, wonderful. if he doesnt, he should know, that id wait forever just for him. i think he knows that. i THINK he does anyways. im in a little better mood today. if i get a nap, im sure ill be better. i was up late last night, for two reasons....one)doesnt matter and two) pondering, wondering and thinking. i feel guilty about pushing callen's religion and morals aside. but...i can go to church with him sunday....dad said he might drive me to his house in the morning, as long as it keeps me from staying the night. stupid fuck. but i can go! im so excited. i havent been to church since ST Paul's Cathedral. i think its roman catholic, not sure. but, they sang in latin, it was beautiful. like a chamber choir, like lotr and harry potter. i was some chamber choir music. my belt is cute. my nose is stuffy. mmmm WATER. so....i have shit food for lunch and we cant afford to buy more. we are broke. no money. at all. not till friday. so, im thnking, an egg for lunch, w/e dad makes for dinner. and eggs for lunch everyday (there are six) but then thursday or friday ill have amigos with MY money. woot. maybe today...no, not today....cuz i want a nap. but im going now. since im happy and i have to finish my paper. ttyl kids. LOVES


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