Saturday, September 04, 2004


dude. lmao. i am such a bitch. lmao. i was at the school. and in the outdoor calssroom which was dedicated to rosemary thorten, my old science teacher. and like, i had a note from jamie and some twigs and leaves and shit and lit this huge fire. and i was aobut to light my second one when this fat fuck came up and started giving me shit. lmao. here's the convo*its just me and the fat fuck*:
"are you two lighting fires here"
"why yes, yes i am"
"why? are you fucking stupid?"
"no, why do you care? is it your fucking civic duty or something?"
"you're a dumbass, if i call the cops and they come down here you'll go to juvy. do you realise this is school property?"
"no, i thought it was a fucking outhouse dumbfuck! i went to school here, im not stupid, i dont waddle around talking shit to teenagers cuz my fat ass cant afford a big mac"
"dont mock me. now leave."
"fuck you, you fat fuck, ill leave when im god damn good adn ready!"
"dont make me call the cops"
"call em, they might give you a twinkie for a reward"

LMAO!!!! i was so fuckign awesome. it was so funny. his fat face was bright red and he stomped off and nick and i just burst out laughing. lmao. he was so pissed. we left tho. i figured he would call the cops. ont he way home i walked by ian's house so nick dodd and i *nick came over out of boredom* were talking to ian's mom and dad. his parents are awesome. his dad already knows my name. that rocks! lmao. it was funny. we talked about school, ian, trevor, guitars, college, and more about ian. lmao. it was great. his dad tried to give me spots. awwww. that was sweet. he was totally serious. but, you know, dad would shit himself. but i had fun today. ill admit it tho, i played ddr since ian and steven got it in my head. i did well on two songs. but the other one i did really well, but its fucking slow as hell. lmao.
i ahve a few things to say: its ONLY the second week dude. thats the whole point. its not like we're totally swamped with homeworkd. and yeah, maybe too much IS happening too fast, but you say that, instead of ignore people. dumbass.
you know whats funny? i changed my layout, and now everyone else did. acctually, aillie did the other day, but the rest happened today. lmao. i am so hungry. i saw cale at the fair. HOLLY SHIT! SOMEONE GOT ON MY PIPPINTIG28470 SN AND WAS LOOKING AT TREVOR'S PROFILE. WTF? OMG. lol. imso confused. oh well. anypoos. whats the dillio? dad's on his way home from the game and im very very hungry. lmao. i ASKED him to buy food but he spent all his money on food at the game. grrrr. im so hungry. ttyl. loves


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