Sunday, July 11, 2004


there's an empty bowl of cherries next to me. it WAS full. i ate them. ill take a knife to my throat if im eating for two. sigh. anyways. to the happy stuff.

mike threw a remote at my leg a few days ago. i rendered helpless for about three minutes after my leg gave way from the piercingblow of the fucking remote. my leg went numb and i went down. i now have a blue and green bruise and partially yellow too. it's really gross. and there's one on each arm. ill get him back for it next time.

im brooding. thats what i told matt. i was sleeping earlier and had to let callen go. idk if he realised i was sleeping. i feel so bad about it too. evertime im at his house, whether or not we ahve sex, i fall asleep. i know why. but, idk if anyone would really understand it. besides, he always leaves when im sleeping, so im trying not to fall asleep as much. it sucks. im trying tho. ill get better.

the tips of my figners are stained a wine-like purple color. damn cherries. they're so good.

i really dont know what to be saying in this post. callen brought upon me a multipule orgasm yesterday. i was so happy. and, he mentioned something about after-glow. id heard a little about before, but, he said i was glowing. i shook my head and dismissed it but now, nobody's ever said i glowed. no matter the circumstances. callen sint exactly a casanova but he has a knack for saying some sweet things. maybe not the right things at the right time, but sometimes he does. no matter what, he's got sweet little lines of nothingness lodged in his brain. im starting to think he has a guilty pleasure for romance of some sort. then again, he always tends to prove me wrong. 99.9% of the time.

i finished The Notebook. sadly. i wish books went on forever. i really do.

callen and i went golfing yesterday. he beat me by four. even tho i put 49 instead of 50. lol. oops. ^.^ it was fun. except when my head was pounding and i needed to sit down. he's really good at golfing. ill beat him some day. hopefully when im not pmsing. atleast, i hope its pms. oh god. my mom would shoot me and the baby. i really hope luck is on my side. my life would be ruined. itll get better. please let it get better. im trying to spend tons of time with callen incase something does happen. atleast ill have memories.

im happy. im smiling. why? bcuz i have to. im about to go swmming before i go to bed. i still ahve to email callen. im glad he blogged. BEAT IT! lol. ima freak. my dad jsut made me a little happier. im wearing shorts tomorrow to school. and im bringing money for a donut. lord knows i deserve it. im wearing daddy's hat. im thinking about buy this cute angelpuss ring off of ebay. ill get daddy to put the money on my card and then ill buy the ring. that or ill see if limited too MIGHT have it. i might get an xox sin. but mike doesnt like the fire one i like, or the lightning bolt one. well, im gonna go. ill write during school tomorrow. loves


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