Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Callen's House

Im at callen's house. and we're watching i love the 90's again. they're talking aobut fight club. callen made a joke about matt and fight club. cuz fight club sucks. everyone knows that. except scrawny white males who have no balls. * cough cough* oh turning into matt......NOOOOO!!!!! HELP!!

anyways. how is you people? i ate at this new place called pekeing palace. its a super buffet. damn it was good. i had tons of lo mein, and beef and brocoli, and sugar bread, and sushi (which no one else would eat) and ummmm i dont remember much else. callen's mom's fortune said this: 'A new friend helps you break out of an old routine.' lol. HAHAHA. if you've ever seen the episode of madtv where stuart eats chinese youd get why this is funny. callen and i were laughing so hard at this fortune and his mom did NOT GET WHY. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS. oh, and umm, callen got a great idea, we're gonna open an american buffet in china. MWUHAHAHA. it was a good time. im very relaxed around his mom and his grandma. the rest of his family im not too sure about, but they're cool. i love him mom tho. dont make me get on topic about how matt's mom was an evil demon who acted like i was trash...which im not thank you. stupid whench.

i bought callen's mom this british cookbook, which worked out relaly well bcuz thats what ive been wanting to get her. i almost got her a dessert recipe book. but dude....I FOUND THE BEST BOOK. i think she liked it. i could smell the lotion i bought her when we left for dinner. it made me really happy. maybe someday she'll make potroast and yorkshire puddings and potatoes. ooooh. that would be so good. and she's such a good cook. well i g2g. ill write tomorrow. p.s. i need to go school shopping. things to buy: 5 subject notebook, pack of BIC pens for burning myself, lead, pencil (already have two), calculater, locker shelf, mirror, magnets, picture of callen.



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