Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Catnip and Derek

Butters and Precious, my two kitties, are now rubbing themselves in catnip. and theyre so funny looking. they're jumping around and bouncing and having a good time, even tho Bailey (the dog) is down here. its really adorable. i even finished the dates on my Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Calendar for 2005.

can you believe that school is about to start again? hmm? its like, three weeks away. man. this summer was total shit. except for the few remaining good things in life. besides those few thigns, i have had a shitty time. damnit, this shirt smells like ashley's house.

derek, i jsut read your post bouts the great MOI! and i want to say thank you. you made me blush. lol. you are a sweet heart and i know i can trust you with anything and you know you can trust me. you're a great person, so happy and full of life. i wish everyone could be as happy as you. once again, whomever you date, will be a very lucky person.

im really fond of the switchfoot song Memory. idk why. its a really catchy song and for some reason it makes me think of matt. some of the lyrics in the chorus. i know that a bad thing, but i really like the song. and its not like i cry when i hear it like i do with Echo. A Favor House Atlantic by CoCa is really close to me cuz when callen and i got really close, and i was in summer school, i was listening to that song alot. same with the killers. and lord of the rings monopoly. cuz of my uncle. lol. he was almsot making fun of us cuz we were playing 'dungeons and dragons'. lol.

i used to make net dolls. and ive stopped doing it for a while. but i found a pony maker. its' so cute. i made a black pony with blue eyes. it was cute.
there ya go. you can all make adorable ponies for the fuck of it. i need to figure out these photo thigns tho. maybe i can finally put a pic on my site. lol. DEREK. I NEED UR HLEP. UR SMART ABOUT THIS SHITTIZZLE.

my glasses are dirty. i should clean them but im too lazy. and then i have to finish callen's blanket, which ill prolly do in my room bcuz of dog, that and i can leave it there and not have to worry about others stepping on it. its gonna take a few days, i might have to super glue the things together. which really sucks. it sucks nuts. big monkey nuts.

last night, while eatign a huge salad and some wings with my dad and brother, i blurted out Long Duck Dong. lol. callen got the name stuck in my head, and i accidently blurted it out. i think others heard me too. lol. am i crazy or what? i think ive got you beat tho derek. atleast you dont fall asleep and say Eat In Chicken while ur sleeping. right callen? lol. im a loser. but either way, i dont coo. damn you.

well i g2g. callens bugging me. and i need to shower. love you guys.

p.s. to those of you who cough, threaten and post shitty songs that no one likes......i may miss ya.....but i dont need ya.


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