Monday, April 25, 2005


'i like you, just the way you are, when we're, driving in your car'
i hate to post avril lyrics but talk about putting feelings into words. lol. mm, breakfast. whats for breakfast? coffee with lo-carb sugar, fat-free creamer and skim milk and lowfat yogurt. it amazes me at how much low-fat food i eat. lol. a few years ago, i would have SLAPPED my dad for even suggesting that i eat healthier. but then again, i DID hit 128 yesterday. my goal? 125. yeah boy! but, im also beginning to work out. i did 15 minutes on the stair stepper yesterday, so i gotta do some toning reps on the weight bench, mostly for my legs and tummy, but i gotta do my arms or ill look funny. lol. but im proud of the work i got done yesterday. i really am. i worked out, i mowed the lawn, i CLEANED my room, i curled my hair all pretty, i talked to monica, and i got to really sit and think about some things. none of my opinions or ideas have changes except one. i need to be nicer. i mean, i need to be happy and nicer. im happy 99% of the time at school. every now and then something will come up *MATT* and ill be sad, but thats ok. thats what happens when you PMS and someone else doesnt trust you. anyways. if i were nicer, and happier, id be more motivated to get work done *ala sunday* and therefore being even happier. the happier i am, the more motivated i am to work out. and do my homework. the happier i am, the nicer i am. im glad i was nice to stina. she deserves it. maybe evn more then most people, especially after the way i treated her. but here's the thing. im only 16 and im a woman, therefore i CANNOT be nice to everyone or people will be thinking im trying to be "pure". lol. i can gossip and be mean to the people who are mean to me first. ie ray, liz, ashley, etc etc. im glad ive made this decision and im excited to see where it takes me. the only problem im gonna have is having people notice it. school, SOME people might notice like mike or claire. matt? idk. alyssa? nope. but at home. whos really gonna notice? mike? hell no *lmao derek, HECK YES lol* dad? maybe. if im nice enough to be considered pure for like a fucking week, then JUST MAYBE. lol. dude, my cat just fucking attacked my face so he could have my yogurt. fuck you butters. lol. he gets to lick the insides when im done. oh yes, props to the person to gues molly shannon, but who was it? ok, i have a vanilla air-freshner thing for my room *where its shaped like a round triangle and you pull the top to expose the smelly gooey stuff ya know?* and vanilla floor powder, vanilla spray, vanilla creamer, vanilla toothpaste, vanilla gum, vanilla candles and vanilla incense. can we say obsessed? lol. i think people underestimate my obsession with vanilla. fuckers. lol. mm, i can smell the vanilla. lol. i have a question. is it good or bad when you can smell someone on your shirt? cuz i could smell someone the other day and someone else could smell me yesterday. good or bad? it made me happy but im curious as to how they felt about it. i could smell matt on friday and while monica, claire and i were jamming out to acdc, i could smell him and i thought it was claire. baseball players are hotter then football players. baseball players are *99% of the time* alot leaner then football players. take phil compared to denton or tucker. matt compared to kyle. altho kyle plays baseball, hes not that good. sad thing is, im not that into baseball, im a hockey girl. then agian, he could play hockey in winter and baseball in spring. mmm yes, talk about a hunk. lol. i gotta go super soon and straighten my hair and then re-curl it. lol. so i look perty for my adoring fans. lmao. w/e. im a loser.
<3 Brittni
p.s. derek, that whole day is completely consensual. plus, it may be expensive to get you drunk/high enough that you dont remember. lol. do not sue me. besides, you never know, you might enjoy it! ;) love you hun!


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