Wednesday, August 11, 2004


ok, stina. im not tlaking shit bcuz of your blog. i just am really not in good levels with matt. this has nothing to do with you. ok? im not mad at you. true, i think you sohuld keep your distance from this topic, this is our business, not yours. i dont think you have any place in it. i have no problem with you and i was on good levels with you. ok? so, dont like, fucking freak out thinking im starting shit. i just threatened by preston and thats scary in its own right. seriously. i mean, dude, wtf? bailey is a cheating whore and shes done nothing but lie to you from the begining. dont believe me? i gotta pic of him. kinda like derek only really bad ass and a little dirtier, which, yes, is bad, bcuz we all know how not-bad ass and clean derek is. lol. dude. i am not lying to you preston. and besides, when someone tells me that its MY FUCKING FAULT THAT MY MOM LEFT ME THEN THERE'S SOME ASS TO BE KICKED. ok? sigh. people. the drama. you're right gabe....too much drama.
friday will be so much fun. i dont think i wanna go somewhere fancy. im sorry callen. but id rather just walk to china king and then rent a movie and spend time with you. idk. maybe we could clean your basement tomorrow or something and organize it and we could light candles and watch a movie. see. thatd be better. dont you think? and cheaper. sigh. im sorry tho. its just, i wouldnt feel comfortable. just, dont surprise me. lol.
i fucking hate callen's dad. if he dares show up at his wedding, whether hes marrying me or not, i will fucking shoot the bastard. stupid fucker. nobody understands this. he ruined callen's life. why do you think callen has been put on meds and what not. AND CALLEN'S FORGIVEN HIM. YOU'RE ALL FUCKING NUTS. I STILL HATE MY MOM FOR WHAT SHE DID BUT SHE HAD A DECENT EXCUSE FOR RUINIGN MY LIFE. he left you. he didnt leave you bcuz he had problesm, did drugs, hurt or or anything like that. he jsut left you. wtf is wrong with you? i mean, he HURT you. i fucking hate this. none of you can even comprehend what that in its self has done to me but, FORGIVING HIM? jesus.
on a fucking lighter note. dad gets home tonight. mom leaves tomorrow. i dont think ill cry, but this time ill acctually miss her. for the first time in my life. i feel like a woman. not a girl, not a thing. a woman. thank god. but i miss daddy. atleast, his good sides. and, that means, ummm, idk. nothing good. i jsut miss him. idk. i get to see mom in two months anyways. i might go to illinois with austin and raymond for thanksgiving. i hope they'll be willing to see me, otherwise itll suck. im NOT spending my time with stephanie and wuts his face josh or w/e. hopefully by then i can find a dress that will fit this fucked up thinggod calles a body. why dont i jsut go in jeans and a t shirt. or naked. or in see through clothes, like, all fishnets. then id be partially nudist, partially goth, partially slutty. WOOPA. and what not. wow. for the first time, callen has brought me down. well, wmotionally. this sucks. memory acoustic. lol. nice. DAMN PHONE. WHO THE HELL WONT LEAVE ME ALONE? FUK OFF BRANDON. brb....................................... several minutes later .........................................its preston. wanting proof of kris and what not. anyways. now i have to call denys. but, sigh. and i called her mom's cell. crazy lesbian and what not. well. ashley's here and she wants to see a movie with her home girls since her bf broker up with her. ttyl. loves


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