Come What May
Welcome. Im tired. Very tired. Lol. Callen found the imagedump fotos. lol. i dont mind. he's not too perticular about the matthew one, but, im not sure. i liked it. prolly just jealous cuz anybody in the world could see em. im not complaining. dont get me wrong. jealous guys make me feel secure, its just, i like it. ill prolly end up taking it down anyways. bugger. listening to after the order. local band. matt knows em, so does stina, and jordan, and mike groesser.
matt and i broke up. for good. im not gonna lie, i am sad about it. i left someone who was close to me. i just got sick of him and couldnt stand him anymore. callen will make it better tho. he'll hold me. till i stop leaking. ive moved from bad, to good, to better to best. im there at last.
If I should die this very moment
I wouldn't fear
For I've never known completeness
Like being here
Wrapped in the warmth of you
Loving every breath of you
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day...
moulin rouge. woot baby! callen needs a new title for his blog. im gonna email myself the blog html and link and then open it at his house and fix his blog. our parents still need to talk about saturday/sunday. callen's met my family before matt did. and i dated matt for five months. that teddy bear was the only thing matt ever gave me....pathetic really. and of all the fucking money i spent on him....fuck. fuck that. oh well right? yes...oh strong, and ill move on. i know i will.
Comme vous pas jamais
these breakup songs make sense again.
i read that once.
true to me, but not anymore.
its over, finally now. but
look what i come home to,
and who.
an angel, to hold you
never did.
Sad little thing you are, i do pity you
of all people, bcuz you lost.
but look what i come home to,
and who.
and angel, to love me like you,
never did. bcuz
you were too caught up in your own breath
you never took mine
like he does.
although ill miss you, sweet
friend, dont think im lost, you're
still in my heart,
but He will always be here for me, like you
Never did.
i just wrote that. cuz im that good. woot! *throws arms up in celebration* hecks yeah! grr. i bet, when i come home, mike will have moises over. and i need to beat the hobbit. or atleast, get over that ledge. grrr. ill prolly just bake myself, but itll kinda hurt when callen holds me, but ill put up with it. you guys should see what he wrote in his blog. wooo-eeee! i never knew guy's could think that much. i mean, besides songs and sad depressed stuff, matt never wrote more than a few lines. and callen sounds as if hes read as many love stories as i have (not including h/d smut) lol.
Yo que te quiero tanto, que voy a hacer? Me dejastes, me dejastes en un ****. El alma se me fue. Se me fue hasta la sombra.
Ya no tengo ganas de vivir porque no te puedo convencer que no te vendas Rozanne.
Moulin rouge again. that has nothing to do with matt or callen or me. just interesting. well, maybe matt. matt might be thinking it. i wouldnt doubt it. oh well. long post huh? someday, ill write a poem in french. i will later ok? i g2g tho. ttyl. loves. toodles noodles. loves