isaiha never finished the questionaire so here's the rest:
50. SIT BY THE PHONE WAITING FOR A PHONE CALL ALL NIGHT: phil....went to the mall. remember phil?
51. SAVE AOL CONVERSATIONS: umm, yeah, i did once to prove to someone that reece charlebois was fucking with me.
52. SAVE E-MAILS: from phil, and matt
53. WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE: always........bianca solderini <3
54. WISH YOU WERE A MEMBER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX: of course, dont all girls sometimes?
55. CRIED BECAUSE OF SOMEONE'S MEAN WORDS: i think i always do.
56. COLOGNE: curve *mm, sex*
57. PERFUME: anything calgon, but i prefer Hawaiian Ginger
58. KISS: ive had two. bcuz they were so different. but, my fave kiss ever was on the day before halloween of 2004
59. ROMANTIC MEMORY: sadly, when callen took me out for dinner and a movie. i felt like a spoiled princess.
60. MOST RECENT BEST ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: Loyalty and Patiance with those you love *mm, tarot cards*
61. Fallen for your best friend?: shit. yeah, but, hes gay and i have someone else so i try to forget that hes a guy
62. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: stina.....before we dated, and emily
63. Been rejected?: trevor
64. Been in love?: Matt S and Phil, but, matt was, well, idk, was more puppy love
65. Been in lust?: ahhhh, fuck, i hate admitting it, but, phil before we dated bcuz i was looking for a fuck buddy and not a bf.
66. Used someone?: yes.....
67. Been used?: what the fuck would anyone use ME for???
68. Cheated on someone?: uh huh. who hasnt?
69. Been cheated on?: twice as many times as ive cheated
70. Been kissed?: duh.
71. Done something you regret?: way too many times
72. You touched?: daddy
73. You talked to?: trevor b
74. You hugged?: daddy
75. You instant messaged?: trevor
76. You kissed?: phil
77. You had sex with?: phil
78. You yelled at?: monica
79. You laughed with?: phil
80. Who broke your heart?: trevor b
81. Who told you they loved you: phil
82. Color your hair? FUCK YEAH
83. Have tattoos?: not yet
84. Have piercings? ears....soon an eyebrow....YAY
85. Have a girlfriend? nope
86. Own a webcam? yessir
88. Ever get off the damn computer? at 10:30 pm
89. Feature do you find the most attractive on others? Eyes and hair
90. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: pamela anderson. lol.
91. Would you marry for money?: if i had to to help my kids survive...but only for that reason
92. Have you had braces?: i looked so nerdy with braces
93. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: DUH.
94. Do you like hairy backs?: get a wax chewbacca
95. Could you live without a computer?: nu uh
96. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?: aol, msn
97. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: aol = 212/ msn = 153
98. If you could live in any past, where would it be?: venice. ancient rome maybe? most likely ancient england.....during queen elizabeth's reign. yeah.
99. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: housey housey
100. What is your favorite fruit?: apples? peaches? no.....yeah. idk.
101. Do you eat wheat bread or white?:almost any
102. What is your favorite place to visit?: london
103. What is the last movie you saw: STAR WARS 3 MUTHA FUCKA
105. Are you photogenic? of course....which makes me wonder why ppl dont follow me with cameras :(
106. Do you dream in color or black and white?: really really vivid colors
107. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: yeah, it wont come off
108. Is it chipped or fresh?: CHIPPED
109. Do you have any dimples?: nope
101. Do you remember being born? fuck that, i cant remember my own name
111. Why do you take surveys?: boredom fucker
112. Do you drink alcohol? sometimes, rarely
113. Did you like or do you love high school?: i fucking love high school!
115. Who do you want to kiss?: phil, derek, jacoby shaddux
116. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunsets, bcuz they're at night, and sunsets lead to massages, and they lead on to something else
117. Do you want to live to be 100?: no. kill me when i turn 40
118. Are flat stomachs important?: no. i dont like them. they look fake, plastic, underfed, and inhuman. even venus had chub, and ill post a picture to prove it. she makes me feel so pretty.
119. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: No
120. Are you loyal?: yes, and im glad
121. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: very.just dont shove them down my throat
122. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: off
123. Do you have nightmares frequently?: yes, alot lately
124. Do you like your nose?: its crooked, but yes
125. Do you think you can draw well?: fairly
129. Do you write poetry?: alot. im good at it
130. Do you snore?: no
131. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides: sides, almsot always
132. Dog/Cat: i prefer cats, have one dog, two cats
136. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional, you cant control it. physical pain is nice
139. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: violin, more moods
141. Do you know someone who has cancer?: umm, had. my papa. and an aunt of mine, and mamo. i think amelia did
142. Do you like to argue?: very much so
146. Do you have a middle name? What is it?: Linn
147. Are you basically a happy person?: umm, when im not bored, yes, i think.
148. Are you tired?: very
149. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today? coffe, french vanilla
150. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: DEREK
151. How many phones do you have in your house?: 4
152. How long is your hair?: shoulders
153. Do you get along with your parents?: dad, yes sometimes, mom, i pretend to
154. What color eyes do you prefer?: green. ive loved green since i was 10....maybe younger. or BRIGHT blue. anything except uber-dark brown or bluegrey like mine
156. Were you named after anyone?: my dad said britney fox, a band.
157. Do you wish on stars?: nope
159. When did you last cry?: last night....marius died
162. Who do you admire: jacoby shaddux, beyonce, ewan mcgregor and anne rice
166. What is your most embarrassing CD?: billy gilman
167. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: hell no. im one stupid bitch
168. Are you a daredevil?: NO SHIT
169. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: yuppers, all the time.
171. Do looks matter?: yes. very much so. which is why i ahve PHIL.
172. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? yessir
173. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: yes....damn leprechauns
175. Are you trendy?: nope
176. How do you release anger?: *hangs head* self mutilation
179. What was your favorite toy as a child?: my blanket. and my books
180. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: us history....FUCK THE UNITED STATES
181. Do you like sappy love songs?: yes
182. Have you ever been on radio or television?:, yeah, my first day of 9th grade
183. Do you have a journal?: blogs
184. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: no shit.
i know.
today? amigos.
tomorrow? wolrds of fun
thursday? shopping and bowling
friday? shopping adn omaha
saturday? des moines and hoobastank
sunday? gatorfest
tuesday.....SCHOOL! im excited.
here's venus. look at the whole picture first....tell me shes not beautiful. she was considered italy's mold for the beautiful. if you looked like her, you were an angel, a cherub, a GODDESS! and my tummy is the same XD i always thought my tummy was bad, but she makes me feel beautiful and eternal. FUCK YOU.

loves to you all.!
<3 Brittni
my new nickname? Bianca.